Super bowl Sunday set Up

pleased very bowl Sunday! I’m not all about the game, however I am all about the food. Ben as well as I were going to go to my mom’s to view the game however chose we didn’t feel like making the drive as well as ought to be productive around right here (she’s 40 miles north of us).

So I hit up the store for some very bowl Snacks…
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Five lower Body exercises for Runners! try this quick stamina workout at house for your legs, hips as well as glutes. No devices needed.

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A veggie plate with ranch as well as significant pickle for me

Chips as well as dips

Those would be Tapatio Doritos to be precise – tried ‘em?


Ben in some cases provides me a difficult time since I don’t drink that often. I am understand to pour myself a drink however abandon it for a snack. This is since I don’t like the taste of alcohol.

I believed the SkinnyGirl Margarita was type of strong, however heard great evaluations of the SkinnyGirl Sangria.

Skinny woman very bowl Sangria – yes, it was great! It reminds me of a white red wine I like. I drank two glasses of this stuff as well as magically feel 100% better!

While I was out I chosen up a donut for a pre-bowl snack. This was totally not necessary, however we’ll talk about the donut debacle soon.

And I lastly got a haircut! I’ve been putting this off for a while just since I dislike sitting in one location for prolonged periods (I get antsy as well as want to go). however my bangs were essentially so long I just kept pinning them back so I had to get ‘em cut!

What was your very bowl dinner?

I made fish tacos since I came across some frozen fish fillets that were on sale.

I made a “special sauce” out of mayo, lime, relish, garlic powder as well as S&P. It was truly delicious!

Time for Sunday set Up!

My exercise plans for the week:

Monday: 6 miles easy, strength

Tuesday: 7 Tempo

Wednesday: Strength, class or Yoga

Thursday: Speed

Friday: yoga or Strength

Saturday: LR

Other Goals:

Stay on track with Feb. Goals


Not eat much more donuts.

Top Searches of the Week:

strange feeling after running half-marathon – It’s called pride.

i eat popcorn every night – That makes two of us.

you requirement counseling – Don’t we all.

chicken salad made my gut hurt  – much more for me.

is running marathons healthy – No, not psychologically or physically.

cartoon mexican person – Um, fast Gonzalez?

papas as well as beer shots – inspect out Susan’s bachelorette celebration post. as well as please invite me if you’re going

Are you set up for a great week?

Envie -me a pasta de trabalho

Salve 

Compartilhar é se importar!







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